My Training Philosophy

As a personal health and fitness trainer I try to bring a unique and personal approach to each of my clients. Motivation and specific direction is different for each of my clients.
With my education and personal training experience I help people at any level achieve their health and fitness goals.
CrossFit gives my clients the avenue to achieve their goals through its training and nutrition program, which is designed to be unique to the client's specific goals.
CrossFit is just a part of my lifestyle and I have seen significant changes in my health and fitness level, but I have also done other training modalities to make me stronger and healthier as well. My clients have adopted CrossFit's principles and have seen dramatic improvements in their lives.
Having knowledge of CrossFit's key principles is a large component of success with my clients. Knowing the benefits of the workouts and the correct technique allows my clients to make great strides towards their ultimate health and fitness goals.


If you would like to know more information about our gym please contact us:

Or visit our websites at:

Or you can contact me personally at either my phone or email:

Phone: 402-699-1463

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I believe that everyone in our gym should sign up and be apart of our team. It cost 10$ to sign up as an individual and then you register for our team. We have an opportunity to show everyone how many great athletes our gym has. Who cares if you don't think you are good enough to do the workouts, (you may surprise yourself) but it's all in having fun. I want to see our team be huge and I want you guys to have just as much confidence in yourselves that I do in you. This has nothing to do with how you rank during these workouts, it has everything to do with just participating.

These workouts will be apart of our regular programming so you will be doing them anyways, its just like any other workout we put on our blog. Now you can fight right along side someone to represent our gym and yourself. I'm really excited about it because I can't wait to workout with all of you and take pride in our gym. Its an opportunity that not a lot of people or gyms get to do. Who cares if you DNF or you have to scale it shows more for our gym how many people wanted to participate then not giving it a chance.

Our gym is well known for how many people come out and compete. We have had a lot in the past come out and know they are going to scale but they still put 100% into it even knowing they can't move on. Thats not the motivation, the motivation is trying it, telling yourself you can do it, and after it is done there will be no regrets because you were out their and you were giving it your all!

We are a team and we are a family, if you are willing to put down 10$ and put the effort you put in each and everyday anyways it will be a whole lot of fun. It starts next Tuesday so get your profile set up on the website above and if you have questions ASK US, don't be left out!

This is something you do not want to miss!

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