Well its getting closer to that sectional that is coming up March 15th. I have been eating A LOT more lately and have been feeling much better. Keeping the energy high has been huge for these longer workouts. Its still fun for me right now and I hope it continues to be that way. I have no pressure on me, I just want to go out and do my best and if that gets me to where I want to be then great but if not I will keep working till it does.
CFO is my family and when I go compete I want to make them proud and I think other people may share in that same feeling. I want people to look at us and say damn they move really well. Technique has been what we strive for here at the gym and what we are known for. There are absolute beasts out there with no technique. Could you image if they were to get the right coaching and move the right way. That is why I believe CFO does so well, our clients across the board have better technique not only because us coaches strive for it but you guys want it. You know the benefit of good movement and you see the results.
NEVER be limited by your technique, ALWAYS be limited by your strength/endurance. With good technique comes strength and endurance. Strength and endurance does not lead to good technique.
I try to live by that, strive to become a perfectionist! We know when it comes to workouts you wont be perfect but the closer you are when your warming up or fresh in the beginning of the workout the better you are going to do. Look at the top people in any field, they spend hours and hours of work trying to be perfect. Granted I don't even have that kind of time, but when you are in here for 1 hour try to perfect whatever it is you are doing. Because down that road you are going to be one of two people.
1. Me saying the same thing to you over and over again. Ex. dont pull with you arms during the Olypmic lifts.
2. Me saying something different to you then I said before.
I will always make corrections no matter how good you get because you can always get better, right? We are always correcting each other and learning new tricks of the trade. Because in CrossFit you can never be perfect at everything! If you are then PROVE IT! :).
Its something that will never change so don't get frustrated if we are making constant corrections, but do be frustrated if we are making the same correction over and over. If it is something you do not understand please ask! I don't know how many times I can say this but ask questions people that's the only way you move forward in life.
Thats all I got my eyes are starting to hurt so happy training and again if you got questions ask away!
Getting people to their optimal level of fitness one session at a time.
My Training Philosophy
As a personal health and fitness trainer I try to bring a unique and personal approach to each of my clients. Motivation and specific direction is different for each of my clients.
With my education and personal training experience I help people at any level achieve their health and fitness goals.
CrossFit gives my clients the avenue to achieve their goals through its training and nutrition program, which is designed to be unique to the client's specific goals.
CrossFit is just a part of my lifestyle and I have seen significant changes in my health and fitness level, but I have also done other training modalities to make me stronger and healthier as well. My clients have adopted CrossFit's principles and have seen dramatic improvements in their lives.
Having knowledge of CrossFit's key principles is a large component of success with my clients. Knowing the benefits of the workouts and the correct technique allows my clients to make great strides towards their ultimate health and fitness goals.
If you would like to know more information about our gym please contact us:
Or visit our websites at:
Or you can contact me personally at either my phone or email:
Phone: 402-699-1463
Email: jon@crossfitomaha.com
Friday, February 25, 2011
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Well I did what I have been telling people not to do! I was disappointed in my Fran time (4:11) when it was over a minute PR. How dumb does that sound. I was comparing it to other peoples times (2:21, 2:35, 2:46). I was not happy because I was not close to their times. How many people have done that? Trust me probably everyone. I need to "listen" to my own words.
I learned a big lesson that day. I am not them, I will never be them, I am only me. I need to only compare myself to myself and once I realized that I was really happy with my time! It is really hard not to look at other peoples times and try to beat them. Its frustrating when you don't and you feel like "man I should really be right there next to him or her." You have got to look at what you did, did you get better, have you improved since last time, and so on. These are the things that will make your life so much less stressful. I have put myself in that situation before where all I was doing was comparing myself to people and I actually started to get worse. I was not me, I was trying to be someone else. Its hard not to do that, I know once in awhile I will do it (like I did with Fran) but most of the time I am just having fun. When I do that and tell myself I can only do the best that I can do, then their is no stress.
I have been pushing myself pretty hard in workouts lately, so I decided to Video tape myself doing Fran. It was a huge eye opener, because I saw exactly the point in which I turn on the off switch. I was more than halfway done with the workout and looked at the time and saw that it was 2:15, instead of thinking yes I am killing my old time, I saw that I was going to get no where near 2:30 or 3 minute mark. This just killed me for the rest of the workout. Stupid, but I learned a huge lesson that day. Focus on only what you can do and not what other people are doing.
This does not mean that you should not strive to do what other people are doing, but realize that it will be slow and steady and you will get there if you truly want it. Like me I truly want to be on that team for regionals. Keep working and listen to yourself!
I learned a big lesson that day. I am not them, I will never be them, I am only me. I need to only compare myself to myself and once I realized that I was really happy with my time! It is really hard not to look at other peoples times and try to beat them. Its frustrating when you don't and you feel like "man I should really be right there next to him or her." You have got to look at what you did, did you get better, have you improved since last time, and so on. These are the things that will make your life so much less stressful. I have put myself in that situation before where all I was doing was comparing myself to people and I actually started to get worse. I was not me, I was trying to be someone else. Its hard not to do that, I know once in awhile I will do it (like I did with Fran) but most of the time I am just having fun. When I do that and tell myself I can only do the best that I can do, then their is no stress.
I have been pushing myself pretty hard in workouts lately, so I decided to Video tape myself doing Fran. It was a huge eye opener, because I saw exactly the point in which I turn on the off switch. I was more than halfway done with the workout and looked at the time and saw that it was 2:15, instead of thinking yes I am killing my old time, I saw that I was going to get no where near 2:30 or 3 minute mark. This just killed me for the rest of the workout. Stupid, but I learned a huge lesson that day. Focus on only what you can do and not what other people are doing.
This does not mean that you should not strive to do what other people are doing, but realize that it will be slow and steady and you will get there if you truly want it. Like me I truly want to be on that team for regionals. Keep working and listen to yourself!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
The Games Group: Thursday 110203
The Games Group: Thursday 110203: "Morning:1A. You have 15 minutes to find a 1RM split jerk from a rack. The movement must be a fully dedicated split jerk per USAWeightlifting..."
Hello Squat!

I haven't squatted in a while and I was hoping to go big (for me) but not going to be disappointed if I didn't. I was about to get up to 289 for 2 almost 3. I was happy because the last time I 1RM it was around 300# so I know now I got another (hopefully) 20-30 pounds! This is big for me cuz my legs have been the biggest issue with me. Either being 1RM or high rep squats, always struggled getting better at them. Its been a process, but things are getting better.
I bring this up because everyone has their own struggle. Whats yours? Whats something that you have been working on for months or years and still struggling or not getting what you want. I do this all the time when it comes to my legs. Its taken me a couple years to really start to feel good about what my legs are capable of doing. This is something that everyone goes through, I want to know yours. We here at CFO want to know these kinds of things so we can help you and tell you, you are not the only one.
Its tough because you come in here every day and some things come really easy and make great strides, but some things just seem to take a little longer. This is normal! Just like anything else in the world some stuff comes easy and some stuff has to be dedicated to, to get better. I want to know these things, post your weaknesses.
Weaknesses can be put in two categories (in my opinion).
1. Physical limitations, where people work really hard and it takes longer to make progressions. Flexibility, strength, athletic ability and so on.
2. Not putting forth the effort, where people complain about not being able to do something and when I ask them how often they do it I get the response "I dunno".
Rest days are a great opportunity to get better at your weaknesses. Flexibility, strength, or whatever. Come in with a plan and have a goal to achieve. Don't let something intimidate you so you don't try it. The only way you know if you can't do something is trying it. Expand your fitness and eliminate your weaknesses. Do things your not good at, it will only make you better at things you are already good at.
Never be the 2nd response always ask what can I do to get better. We always have an avenue for you to take to achieve your goals. Oh ya set goals people, whatever that may be if you set them you are more likely to achieve them.
My goal is to be competitive at the regional level, and be in the running to compete on the team. These are my goals and I want you to know about it because if you know, I can't give you an excuse why I am not working my hardest.
Good luck everyone and respond and tell me your weakness
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