My Training Philosophy

As a personal health and fitness trainer I try to bring a unique and personal approach to each of my clients. Motivation and specific direction is different for each of my clients.
With my education and personal training experience I help people at any level achieve their health and fitness goals.
CrossFit gives my clients the avenue to achieve their goals through its training and nutrition program, which is designed to be unique to the client's specific goals.
CrossFit is just a part of my lifestyle and I have seen significant changes in my health and fitness level, but I have also done other training modalities to make me stronger and healthier as well. My clients have adopted CrossFit's principles and have seen dramatic improvements in their lives.
Having knowledge of CrossFit's key principles is a large component of success with my clients. Knowing the benefits of the workouts and the correct technique allows my clients to make great strides towards their ultimate health and fitness goals.


If you would like to know more information about our gym please contact us:

Or visit our websites at:

Or you can contact me personally at either my phone or email:

Phone: 402-699-1463

Monday, December 5, 2011


Well we just got hit with a good dose of snow. Here is a picture of Canyon we got to go out and play in the snow and have a snow ball fight and make "foot" prints in the snow (my favorite part of the weekend). It was nice not to get it until December usually Halloween gets nasty. Anyways good weekend to sit around and get a little closer to my sister in-law. We got snowed in while my wife was doing a project. Good time spent with the family and got my first taste of making noodles. I didn't cut my fingers off so successful day!

Back on track with workouts now. I took last week to try to ease my way back into them and saturday started my routine again. I liked doing Front Squat 3x10, Deadlift 3x10, and working on deep handstand push ups and also strict muscle ups. My saturdays.

Today back at noon, feels good to be back but still with JenD and Bob! Seeing if those two months pay off ;).


Push Jerk 2-2-2-2-2-2-2 reps

Perform 2 push jerks (no split jerks or push presses allowed), increasing in weight every set, for 7 sets on a two minute clock. This will be performed out of a rack.


Every 30 seconds for 8 minutes, perform:
1 Push Jerk, 70-75% of heaviest 2 rep from above
5 Pull ups

1 push jerk at #186
5 kipping pull ups (no butterfly)

It was a good one. I haven't done 80 pull ups in a while so I will probably be feeling that. Push Jerk felt good, worked on going wider with my grip and I liked it. Kipping pull ups got a bit tough at the end, grip just is still a little weak. Want to stay away from butterfly for a bit just to keep my shoulders healthy. Overall great day and it was nice to workout again with my wife, good teamwork!

Addi K, posted a good article on sleep so I wanted to share it here. Sleep is often over looked when training and it should be a huge focus when training and also for you health. As you will read here!
Courtesy of Science Daily

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