Yes this is a picture of myself, but Greg MO is right behind me. He had my back during the 2009 CrossFit Games and I would not have performed as well as I did without him. His intensity will never be outdone by anyone and you have no idea how much he motivates you, especially during a team wod!
I would just like to say how much I will miss him personally, not as a client but as a friend. He has always been someone to compete with and look up to. During a workout he may look intimidating but outside of this box he is a fun, nice, caring, father, and great friend. I had a blast not only competing with him in the 2009 Games but working out along side of him on the days leading up to it.
I still look forward to the times I get to coach him in the mornings and also workout with him. It has not been too much lately but when I get the chance its always fun.
I have two stories that I will never forget about Greg MO! Both are from the 2009 Crossfit Games! Which if thats the only games I go to, I couldn't be happier that I did it with the group of people that were there. I will never forget Zachr, addi, reba, and Greg Mo!
1st - The first workout was 30 reps of Wall balls, Cal row, box jumps, KB swings, push press, and DL. I was the first one to go on the DL and well I will be honest I was almost on empty before I even got there. If you were there you could see I was doing everything I possibly could to get those Deadlifts down. "Classic Greg MO" I set down the DL to rest the first time (of many) and Greg was right behind me and slapped me in the ass and said "LETS GOOOOO"! You all know that line! Even tho I was way past empty his intensity just forced me to keep going. With someone like that always motivating you, you never want to let them down. Thanks Greg!
2nd - The final workout was 3rm OH Squat and 3 attempts at max pull ups. This was a wod I was not apart of. We knew we were close to being out of the running for top 5 but if we put something up big then maybe we would have a chance. Well all I remember is Greg going up for his last set for 3RM and we made eye contact and we both pretty much agreed you got to get it. It was something that team events can only bring out a togetherness between teammates that doesn't need to be spoken. That 2009 team had that and it was great to be apart of it!
We had a blast working together. If I could do it all over again it would not even be an option, you all were great and one of the top times of my life.
Anyways Greg Mo, you are someone that everyone looks for on the board at 6am and tries to get close. Because you are the one who sets the bar for the day. People ask "hey what did Greg Mo do today"? Trust me I am one of those people as well. If I can get close to your numbers its a good day. Remember where your home is, and always know our door is open!
Thank you Greg MO I learned a lot from you and good luck with your journeys ahead.
Wow Jon!! Thanks for all the warm regards and awesome memories! I myself still recall the 3-rm OHS from the 09' games, it was crazy because as soon as I un-racked the bar we some how met eyes from about 50 ft away and it was the classic movie "eye of the tiger" between the 2 of us and it was like we both decided that I was going to get that weight, and i did!
ReplyDeleteI know I've talked to you about this before and always repeat it but my fondest memory of you is from i believe the summer of 07', when we both worked in the UNO basement weight room. You saw me with ripped caluses and shambling around like a zombie and you asked "what the hell happened to you?". I proceeded to explain the crossfit project Rick and Joe had started and you said "sounds interesting, I'll take a look". Next thing I know your 1 of the coaches at the gym, awesome to see you progress in your fitness and training goals homie!
I'm going to miss you very much man! I'll for sure keep in touch man!